PSI fair 2023
European Union - Together to EU funds
The company Umbra design d.o.o. participated in fairs PSI 2023 in Düsseldorf. PSI is the world’s leading trade fair for the promotional products industry, meaning it’s the international platform of the promotional products industry and the largest meeting place worldwide. The fair is open to business (B2B) visitors with whom the company Umbra design d.o.o. shares common interests (more than 18000 business visitors from 74 countries).
The focus of the fair directed to all types of promotional products, presentation of novelties, presentation of new trends for the current year in the industry and presentation of novelties in the field of additional logo applications in the promotional industry. By participating in the fair, the company Umbra design d.o.o., used an opportunity to encounter with customers and business partners from the whole wide world and creation of new business relationships.
At the PSI 2023 fair, the company Umbra design d.o.o. has exhibited carefully chosen design suggestions and promotional products prototypes such as 10 different models of bags and backpacks (laptop bags, multifunctional backpacks, so called shopper bag, bags for short traveling and etc.), 2 models of biodegradable and cotton bags as well as 2 models of furniture (ottomans and armchairs for sitting). In this way, the company has presented their so-called unique design of custom made promotional products, reference product prototypes, and in general its mission and vision to position itself in the foreign markets of Central Europe.

Beneficiary of grants from the European Structural and Investment Funds K.K.
Umbra design d.o.o., Savska opatovina 66, 10090 Zagreb, Croatia
OIB: 29358303290
Name of the project: Internationalization of SME business – Fase 2
Project manager: Ivana Žulj Knežević
Project implementation period: from 15th of October 2019 till 15st of April 2023.
Total project value: 332.536,63 kn.
Grants awarded in the amount of: 282.656,12 kn.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the company Umbra design d.o.o.